The world of impact first investing requires close coordination with a wide range of partners. From sharing pipeline to developing unique, blended capital structures, we rely heavily on the input and resources of many others in the sector. We have made it an insitutional priority of Ceniarth to play a leading role in fostering even more active impact first collaboration.
Frequent Co-Investors


MacArthur Foundation

Packard Foundation

A to Z Impact



Kiva Capital

Gawa Capital
Industry Collaborations
Originally conceptualized and funded by the MacArthur Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Omidyar Network, the C3 initiative has aimed to increase the flow of catalytic capital to high impact transactions. The initiative leverages grants, investments, and thought leadership to accelerate the deployment of valuable, yet still scarce impact-first capital. Ceniarth initially participated in a series of Learning Labs that produced important insights around seeding, scaling, and sustaining catalytic transactions. The resulting whitepapers can be found here. As a follow-on from these Learning Labs, Ceniarth has taken the lead on convening and moderating a group of some of the largest, most active practitioners of catalytic capital to share deal pipeline. The Catalytic Capital Dealmakers Roundtable had its first meeting in January 2024 and will be working on greater collaboration in the year ahead.
Given our global focus on improving livelihoods in rural communities, Ceniarth has long been involved in lending to both funds and social enterprises supporting smallholder agriculture. We have been a long-time field building partner of CSAF, a network and forum of the leading lenders committed to the growth and impact of the smallholder sector. Over the years, CSAF has developed thought leadership, best practices, and created investment initiatives to fill critical gaps in the market. We are proud that many of our fund mangers including Global Partnerships, MCE Social Capital, ResponsAbility, and Root Capital have been key members of the initiative.