A New Look For A New Decade

Ceniarth turned 10 last November, an important milestone in our evolution! If you want to read more about our reflections on the past decade, our latest, 2023 Annual Report is now available online.

As we enter firm adolescence, we knew it was also time for a website refresh.  Diane has always led us to be an open, opinionated, and transparent office.  That has primarily manifested itself through public articles, Annual Reports, speaking engagements, and various convening leadership.  Our website, however, had frankly languished.  Yes, it had the basics about Ceniarth’s origins, our team, and some examples of deals, but it was not the showcase of our work that it deserves.

We are delighted to launch the new site.  Much like anytime one does a project like this, there are plenty of things that we could still improve (let us know!), but, in general, we very proud of how the new site represents our impact-first approach and the full breadth of our portfolio.

You will find more context on how we frame the practice of impact-first investing including an updated tracker of our progress toward 100% of our portfolio deployed in this manner.  We have a full, searchable portfolio database where one can view all 140 of our active fund and direct investees.  We will keep this updated as new deals are completed.  In addition, we provide clarity on the types of catalytic levers that we employ in our work and a FAQ for those looking to connect with us.

We are planning to use the revamped site more actively to share our thoughts on deals completed, as well as sectoral observations.  We continue to want to be a positive force for catalyzing more capital around impact-first themes and we hope this continued transparency and sharing will be helpful to those who want to follow our path!
