Investing in impact. First and foremost.

Ceniarth is an impact-first, single-family office that focuses on investments benefitting underserved communities globally. We deploy capital to funds, financial intermediaries, and social enterprises that support marginalized and vulnerable populations. We invest with non-profits, for-profits, and hybrid organizations with an emphasis on sectors such as agriculture, affordable housing, financial inclusion, and climate justice. We prioritize investments that are catalytic in nature and may require flexibility on risk and return parameters.

Impact-First Investing

Impact investing has become a tent so big that the term no longer provides much insight into how an organization really pursues its work. We prefer to differentiate ourselves as an impact-first investor. Learn more about why we think this is a critical distinction.

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Our Portfolio


Assets Under Management


Funds Investments


Direct Investments



Worldwide Reach

We invest globally, with exposure across developing, emerging, and developed economies.

Latest Investments

Thanksgiving Coffee Company





Dayspring Health


Community Development



Balloon Ventures


SME Finance



See our Investment Database

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  • Coffee Stimulates Energy and Impact

    To keep our energy levels high, our team at Ceniarth contributes meaningfully to the 400 billion cups of coffee that…

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  • A New Look For A New Decade

    Ceniarth turned 10 last November, an important milestone in our evolution! If you want to read more about our reflections…

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  • Ceniarth 2023 Annual Report

    Download our 2023 Annual Report Managing Director’s Letter November 2023 marked our ten year anniversary at Ceniarth.  While it has…

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